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Written By: tiandi Created Date: 2022-07-06 Hits: 815 Comments: 0

Brandon Watt has a 25 year riding ages. He love National road riding with his team. Here are some ideas he want to share with everyone :

1. If there is a curve ahead, don't overtake at will, follow the car in front (if it is a right turn, then the truck is blocking the opposite wat of the curve, and you can't see it. If it is a left turn, then the car in the opposite lane may occupy your overtaking lane to form a collision tragedy)
2. When there are big cars or many cars coming from the opposite side in front of you, don't overtake at this time. 
3. Don't turn around at will and keep driving in the middle of one lane!
4. When changing lanes, you must pay attention to the rearview mirror and observe whether there is a high-speed car behind you. Be sure to turn on the turn signal light to remind the front and rear vehicles that you are going to change the lane!! When overtaking, be sure to whistle to remind the vehicles ahead to pay attention to you
5. If you want to overtake a car with a speed of 90 per hour, I advise you not to overtake it. A car with a speed of less than 250cc and a car with a speed of 90 per hour will have a long parallel time. The longer the parallel time is, the more dangerous it is!
6. When overtaking, your main line of sight should be looking at your own driveway, not at the car you overtake!
7. Don't follow a large truck for a long time. If you want to keep driving at the same speed, you must keep a distance of more than 100 meters
8. When cruising in the traffic lane, try to be left in the middle and close to the overtaking lane
9. If a car wants to overtake you, what you should do is to slow down slightly, let him pass quickly, and leave a distance of more than 100 meters!
10. Be clear about the maximum acceleration of your bike. The acceleration capacity of 125cc is between 90-100! Then don't overtake those cars that drive above 85!
10. When you turn a corner, you must slow down, slow down, and then slow down! It is a blind bend!!
12. Being in a hurry will often waste you more time! Don't rush when riding!!! Leave enough time for yourself when arranging your schedule

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