Grouping of Dakar Rally Motorcycle Group

Created Date: 2023-02-17 07:43:42
In order to better control the safety of the race, the International Motorcycle Federation began to follow the management mode of MotoGP in the field of rally from 2022, and graded the drivers according to the experience of the race. Therefore, there were three different groups in the field of rally, RallyGP, Rally2 and Rally3, corresponding to three different race photos. We can simply understand RallyGP group as elite group, Rally2 group as professional group and Rally3 group as amateur group.

Among them, RallyGP is the group with the highest level. Of course, it is also necessary to abide by the strictest rules to enjoy the highest authority in the competition. The drivers in this group need to get enough good results in the international competition before they can be certified by the International Motorcycle Federation. In December of each year, the International Motorcycle Federation certifies the drivers according to the results of various competitions in that year. The latest certification results just completed on December 13, 2022 show that only 33 players in the world have obtained the certification of Rally GP group, which is only one more than the previous year. Among the 33 GP drivers certified this year, most of them are from Europe and America, and only two Asian drivers are from the United Arab Emirates and India.

What is the difference in the treatment of drivers in RallyGP group? First of all, for the participating vehicles, the maximum displacement of RallyGP and Rally2 is limited to 450cc, but Rally3 has no limit on the displacement limit. Therefore, in some competitions that accept Rally3, we will see 690 or more models with displacement, and the awards will be set in different emission segments when ranking and awarding. As for Dakar Rally, because of the unusually hard and dangerous level of the race, we do not accept the registration of Rally Group 3 players. We can only see 450cc racing cars in Dakar.

Speed limit
Because the drivers of RallyGP and Rally2 are more experienced and skilled, the International Motorcycle Federation allows them to reach the maximum speed of 160 km/h during the race, while Rally3 is only allowed to drive to 130.

Tyre change
For Rally GP drivers, one tire can be replaced every race day, either the front or rear tires can be selected, but the tire specifications are fixed, and the tire specifications are not allowed to be changed during all races. However, Rally Group 2 drivers are not allowed to change tyres in the timing stage. They can only change tyres after returning to the camp, but the tyre specifications are not restricted.

Rally GP drivers will be automatically withdrawn from the race as long as they fail to finish the race at any stage. Even if people are free and the car is repaired, they cannot participate in the subsequent stage. This is also the reason why Sunderland and Brabeck immediately packed home after falling off the car this year. It is not that they have no indomitable fighting spirit, but that the race rules do not allow them to continue to participate. However, Rally Group 2 drivers can have two opportunities to incomplete the stage, and can continue to participate in the subsequent stage after the car is repaired, and will not be withdrawn from the race until three incomplete stages are accumulated. However, any driver who has not finished the race will lose the chance to stage at the closing ceremony.

Marathon Stage
At the end of the first day of the marathon, there will be a time-limited maintenance link. Rally GP riders only have half an hour to maintain, but Rally Group 2 riders will have 60 minutes to maintain, which is twice as long.

No backup
No backup group can only accept 35 Rally Group 2 drivers to register every year. Rally GP drivers are not eligible for no backup group.

Dakar Rally has set rankings and awards for different groups. RallyGP group has set up annual awards separately, namely W2RC World Rally Championship, while Rally2 and Rally3 group drivers can only participate in Rally World Cup Rally World Cup.