Description: The perfect balance bikes are the industry-leader when it comes to helping children as young as 2 years old learn to ride on two wheels. The lightweight, pedal-less design allows children to straddle the bike with both feet on the ground and easily propel the bike by walking or running. This natural method puts the focus on the fundamentals of balancing, leaning, and steering without the distractions and complications of pedals or training wheels. Our bikes are scientifically proven to increase balance in children of all abilities in a fun and engaging way.
Features: --Brand new and high quality --Good elasticity and suspension --Extremely lightweight, yet high-strength and durable --Inflation-free tire for good suspension and any city road --Anti-skidding handlebar for children's easy controling --Shape of seat ensures children will not slip off when riding downhill --Handle Height adjustable, seat height adjustable --Easy to carry, clean, and store in a dry Place --Recommended for ages 2-7 --Assembly required
Specifications: Color: Black, Blue , Pink ( optional , leave note or email the color u choose ,thx ) Material: Steel+ Foam tire Bike Dimension: 33"L x 14.5"W x 19.5"-23.5"H Seat Height from ground: 14 "-17.5" Wheel Diameter: 12" Weight: 6lbs Max load: 66lbs